System Installation
1. Windows Operation Systems
The installation process is as follows;
- Install XAMPP
- Install browser e.g chrome
- Install notepad ++
- Install composer
- Copy folder containing GoT-HoMIS V3 and paste it to htdocs C:\xampp\htdocs\got_homis_v3
- Open terminal/CMD
- Change directory to root i.e cd /
- Then go to xampp/mysql/bin
System will show the loading bar with progress on the top of the page. After finishing the activation system will show “SYSTEM DABABASE ACTIVATED”.
Create Database
- Make sure xampp is turned on
Go to htdocs, open the folder containing the database, go to .env file and edit it with notepad++, then change the database name to ensure it is similar to the name of a database you created.
- Configure and clear cache. The cache is cleared and configured as follows;
Database Migration and Seeding
- Database Migration is the process of creating the database schema on the database name created in step (vi) above.
- Database seeding is a simple way to add initial data sets into your database.
Database Migration steps:
Port Assigning and Virtual Host Declaration:
If apache cannot be started on the default port (80), assign new port numbers as follows: Open the folder; C:\xampp\apache\conf
Under config, open httpd.config with Notepad C++ then add or edit port numbers under the Port Listening configuration part.
For example
Then open folder …..Extra: C:\xampp\apache\conf\extra
For example
Line 36 - 42 - Virtual Host with listening port number 7070.
Line 37: - Administrator Server email address.
Line 38: - Folder name where system file for the domain name are Stored.
Line 39: - Local IP Address of the server where the system will be launched.
Line 40: - Contains a record of critical errors that occurred during the
Server operation.
Line 41: - Create custom domains for development in XAMPP.
Restart apache and make sure the port numbers you have assigned are visible on the Apache Service port numbers on the XAMPP panel